Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Revelations of a Child

In the Star Wars community, much has been said about how different generations perceive the franchise. For those of us like me, who grew up when the original trilogy was playing in theaters, the biggest revelation was that Darth Vader was Luke's dad.

Recently I caught my young son talking to his cousin, who is only a little older than him, about Star Wars. He was telling him that Anakin Skywalker turns into Darth Vader. It's funny that he really doesn't identify with Luke, Han, or Leia. It took many viewings of Return of the Jedi before I even remembered Darth Vader's former name.

But he has his own Star Wars - made up of Anakin, Darth Vader, Captain Rex, and Asoka Tano. The good thing is that we can still both share in the fun of being fans of the galaxy far, far away.

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