Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Trajectory of the Jedi

Here are some random ruminations:


I have tried hard to avoid any and all spoilers - outside what is officially released by Lucasfilm - and I have been mostly successful. I have really been enjoying the Star Wars Rebels series and have been thinking more about how Kanan instructed Ezra to be *more* connected to others. That it is these connections that make us human. This is very much a reversal of what the Jedi were instructed to be in the Prequel Era. They were supposed to be detached and aloof from others.

Of course, this was before the Season 1 finale, Fire Across the Galaxy, where his attachment to Ezra almost caused his defeat at the hands of the Inquisitor. I'll be curious to see how his character develops in season two. This one concept art picture certainly is telling:


I wonder if either Kanan or Ezra survive through the Original Trilogy Era. They could be conceivably be alive in The Force Awakens if the don't meet an untimely end. I've heard that Rebels takes place five years before Episode IV (0 BBY). So using Wookiepedia as a reference, here are the projected ages of the main characters:

Character - Age as of Rebels /  ROTJ (+9) / TFA (+30)

Kanan - 28 / 37 / 67
Hera - 24 / 32 / 62
Ezra - 14 / 23 / 53
Sabine - 16 / 25 / 55

As you can see, all the human crew of the Ghost should be alive and kickin' if they haven't been killed. I excluded Zeb because we don't know his age nor do we know the typical lifespan of his race.

Here are some other interesting tidbits from the Legacy EU timeline about what happens during the year of Rebels Season 1:

  • Han Solo leaves (kicked out of ) the Imperial Academy 
  • Han Solo saves Chewbacca from slavery and receives a life-debt pledge from him
  • Lando wins the Millennium Falcon in a game of sabacc (Han Solo would win the Falcon from Lando three years later)

We don't know if any of these events will be canonized, but how sweet would it be to see Lando win the Falcon?


I'm also wondering about what Luke's trajectory is after Return of the Jedi. He is the only Jedi in the galaxy, so far as we know. He knows that the battles between Sith and Jedi have torn the galaxy apart in war after war. I wonder if he decided to go into hiding and to remove himself from society in the hopes of protecting it. Perhaps it is the breaking of his solitude that is the cause or result of the Force awakening. We shall see!

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