Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Force Awakens!

We have a title! Today marked the last day of filming and the start of post-production. Episode VII will be known as Star Wars: The Force Awakens. There will not be the VII numeral in the title.

I like that. I grew up during the OT times so for me the films were simply Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, an Return of the Jedi. The episodic numbering didn't take center stage until the prequel era. I just hope they will keep the episode number in the opening crawl. 

What about the title itself? Like every Star Wars title since ROTJ, it has taken me some time to get used to it. But I like this one. It is short and simple and not corny.

The implications of the title are very tantalizing. Why is it awakening 30 years after ROTJ? Both the Sith and the Jedi use the Force, so which side is emerging? Or is it both? The Jedi were wiped out in the purge and you only had two Sith. So does VII mark a repopulation of Force wielders? 

But the Rebels animated show clearly indicates that Force sensitive people still exist. Vader tells the Inquisitor to hunt down the "Children of the Force" to convert them or kill them. So perhaps Jedi and Sith are not really relevant. I wonder if the people of the Star Wars galaxy view both Jedi and Sith as bad. The wars between the two of them have resulted in so much death and destruction. Perhaps the past 30 years has seen the suppression of anyone showing Force ability. A simple blood test for midi chlorians can help them with that. 

Hmm. Lots to think about!

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