Thursday, November 14, 2013

MCU, I'm In!

I know this is a Star Wars blog but since Lucasfilm is now owned by Disney, as is Marvel, I figured it wouldn't be too far afield to venture into the Marvel Universe every so often.

I saw Thor 2 this past weekend and really enjoyed it. I've seen all the recent movies in the series which is dubbed the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) - except for the Incredible Hulk remake. I think it is an ingenious idea to carry story line threads through several different movies. It provides an extra incentive to see the latest installment even if the particular movie is not one of your favorite characters. 

That is how I felt about Thor 2. I am not a big fan of the first film. It had just a little too much fantasy for me. But having loved all the Iron Man movies and at least enjoyed the other MCU films I wanted to see how things continued with Thor 2. The box office numbers show I wasn't alone!

This inter-connectedness of stories reminds me very much of the marvel comic books I read as a kid in the 1980s. I would discover new characters and new  books as the stories would intersect with my favorite titles. It's pretty incredible to think that this same concept that involved a handful of writers, artists, and editors is now being used by hundreds if people across a wide spectrum of disciplines to achieve the same result. 

This is also a brilliant move in what it leaves out. There is no mention of Spider-Man, the X-Men, or the Fantastic Four. This is intentional as Disney does not have exclusive or perhaps even direct rights to those properties. As the MCU continues to build on itself, now including the Agents of SHIELD television series, these other characters will seem increasingly isolated and thus less attractive. This could ultimately play out that the other studios that own the rights might end up cashing them in rather than compete with the coming juggernaut. Disney has the inside track and I am on board with it!

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