Saturday, August 16, 2008

Clone Wars Good, Not Great

My wife, son and and I saw the Clone Wars movie last night. The theater had respectable attendance, but hardly a sell-out. We had a row of boys sitting behind us who were very funny. When a Lego commercial came on before the trailers, one boy called out, "Now that is what I'm talking about!"

They and my son were all very excited when the Clone Wars logo hit the screen and the music played. I won't go into a whole review since you can find plenty of them on the Internet. My little boy's favorite parts were Ahsoka and the walkers climbing up the mountain. Oh and he also really liked the little baby (I won't say more to spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it).

The funniest part was actually when my boy had to use the bathroom in the middle of the movie. We both walked down the staircase (we were in a stadium-seating theater) slowly while watching the movie. Then, when we rounded the corner, we both ran out the door and out to the restroom. I've never seen him use the potty as fast as he did then! Once we were done, we ran back with my boy leading the way (with direction corrections from daddy). I don't think we missed much of the movie at all!

There are plenty (as in almost too many) battles in the movie. I hope the TV series isn't mostly open warfare because I think that is too much violence to expose to kids and frankly it gets mind numbingly repetitive. My favorite parts of the Star Wars saga are all on a lot more personal level such as lightsaber battles, speeder bike chases, verbal sparring between friends and enemies.

I was also disappointed that Capt. Rex used the swear word d**n. I guess director Dave Filoni thought it would add "realism" and grit to the battle, but that word was never used in any of the six films. There are plenty of fictional words that could have been used in its place and been more relevant to this galaxy far, far away (shab and osik come to mind off the top of my head).

Anyway, I'm sure we will see it in the theaters at least one more time. When it was over my son immediately said that he wanted to see it again! Also, this might be the last chance to see Star Wars of any form in the theaters.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Comment by Joe (Amanda's 8 year old son) "I like it" - in reference to the entire Star Wars blog.